Editorial Policies


- Aims and scope
Peer review process
Open Access and Free Licenses
Original Material
Publication Ethics
Editorial Board

Aims and Scope

Mathematical Neuroscience and Applications is an international journal that publishes research articles on the mathematical modeling and analysis of all areas of neuroscience, i.e., the study of the nervous system and its dysfunctions. The focus is on using mathematics as the primary tool for elucidating the fundamental mechanisms responsible for experimentally observed behaviours in neuroscience at all relevant scales, from the molecular world to that of cognition. The aim is to publish work that uses advanced mathematical techniques to illuminate these questions. Papers that introduce and help develop those new pieces of mathematical theory which are likely to be relevant to future studies of the nervous system in general and the human brain in particular are also welcome.

It publishes full length original papers, rapid communications and review articles. Papers that combine theoretical results supported by convincing numerical experiments are especially encouraged but any paper that will encourage exchange of ideas between mathematics and neuroscience applications will be considered.


Peer review process

To submit an article login to your MNA account or create one and use the id of the corresponding ArXiV (example: 2012.07846) or HAL (example: hal-01986927, and then choose the version number : 2) depot to submit your work.

Once the submission is effective, the Editor-in-Chief assigns it to one of the Editorial Board Members.The Editorial Board Member sends the paper to at least two reviewers.

He/she monitors the review process until he/she can make a final decision. This may require several rounds of revisions/reviews. When the final decision is reached he/she proposes to accept or reject the paper to the Editor in Chief who notifies the authors.

Upon acceptance of their papers the authors have 30 days to format the final version using the MNA LaTeX template. The paper then appears on the MNA website.

The reviewers' names appear once a year on the MNA website without the information related to which paper(s) they reviewed.

Cost of publishing

MNA is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal.  The French institutions INRA, INRIA and CNRS support the Open Access Episciences platform resulting in an author-free model (Diamond model). There are no fees for authors and no fees for readers.


Open Access and Free Licenses

MNA is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal under the Diamond model.  There are no Author Processing Charges (APCs) and all contents are freely available at no cost to the users or their institutions.

The articles in MNA are distributed under a Creative Commons CC-BY license: users are free to copy, distribute, transmit. Authors grant the journal non exclusive publication rights and retain their own rights without restriction.

Creative Commons License
MNA articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Original Material

MNA publishes original and no published elsewhere studies. Any text submission to MNA has to be exclusive. Texts already published in a short version during a workshop for instance, could nonetheless be published in an extended version in the journal.

See https://doc.episciences.org/submission/  for author guideline on Episciences

Publication Ethics

The origin and authorship of every material reused in a MNA article must be mentioned. MNA authors must not copy any substantial part of another's work without acknowledgement or present another's work as their own. This policy extends to every published material, including the manuscript text and figures, software and datasets.

MNA expects the authors to be honest: they should not fabricate or manipulate data to support their claims, select favorable illustrations or hide known issues with their work. Possible conflicts of interest must be reported to the Editor in Chief. Failing to comply with these rules can result in the retraction of a published article.

MNA trusts the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, http://publicationethics.org/).


Language of submission is English.


If there are several authors, one of them will be the corresponding author with the MNA.
You should complete your profile with identifiers. Orcid identifier (orcid.org) is not required but strongly desired.

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board consists of the Editor-in-Chief who chooses among the aubmissions the relevant ones and forwards them to one of the members of the Editorial Board. This  Editorial Board member monitors the reviewing process of the papers he/she has in charge until he/she reaches a final decision which he/she then proposes to the Editor in Chief.

See https://mna.episciences.org/review/staff