Volume 1

1. Perceptual spaces and their symmetries: The geometry of color space

Nicolás Vattuone ; Thomas Wachtler ; Inés Samengo.
Our sensory systems transform external signals into neural activity, thereby producing percepts. We are endowed with an intuitive notion of similarity between percepts, that need not reflect the proximity of the physical properties of the corresponding external stimuli. The quantitative characterization of the geometry of percepts is therefore an endeavour that must be accomplished behaviorally. Here we characterized the geometry of color space using discrimination and matching experiments. We proposed an individually tailored metric defined in terms of the minimal chromatic difference required for each observer to differentiate a stimulus from its surround. Next, we showed that this perceptual metric was particularly adequate to describe two additional experiments, since it revealed the natural symmetry of perceptual computations. In one of the experiments, observers were required to discriminate two stimuli surrounded by a chromaticity that differed from that of the tested stimuli. In the perceptual coordinates, the change in discrimination thresholds induced by the surround followed a simple law that only depended on the perceptual distance between the surround and each of the two compared stimuli. In the other experiment, subjects were asked to match the color of two stimuli surrounded by two different chromaticities. Again, in the perceptual coordinates the induction effect produced by surrounds followed a simple, symmetric law. We conclude that the individually-tailored […]
Section: Applications

2. Investigating the integrate and fire model as the limit of a random discharge model: a stochastic analysis perspective

Jian-Guo Liu ; Ziheng Wang ; Yantong Xie ; Yuan Zhang ; Zhennan Zhou.
In the mean field integrate-and-fire model, the dynamics of a typical neuron within a large network is modeled as a diffusion-jump stochastic process whose jump takes place once the voltage reaches a threshold. In this work, the main goal is to establish the convergence relationship between the regularized process and the original one where in the regularized process, the jump mechanism is replaced by a Poisson dynamic, and jump intensity within the classically forbidden domain goes to infinity as the regularization parameter vanishes. On the macroscopic level, the Fokker-Planck equation for the process with random discharges (i.e. Poisson jumps) are defined on the whole space, while the equation for the limit process is on the half space. However, with the iteration scheme, the difficulty due to the domain differences has been greatly mitigated and the convergence for the stochastic process and the firing rates can be established. Moreover, we find a polynomial-order convergence for the distribution by a re-normalization argument in probability theory. Finally, by numerical experiments, we quantitatively explore the rate and the asymptotic behavior of the convergence for both linear and nonlinear models.